Anchor your deeper values & purpose in the organisational DNA

Employees who know they are doing meaningful work are more motivated and loyal

Everyone wants to live a meaningful life. Work determines a large part of our social identity. A powerful sense of purpose provides a clear compass for setting goals. They are about the ‘why,’ about the contribution to society. When your colleagues experience the values and more profound reason for existence, you boost their connection and commitment.

Purpose gives direction and anchors in a world full of change and uncertainty.

Values nurture and ground. Values and purpose are visible and tangible at every start-up. In the delusion of the day, they often lose their power and meaning. How do you reconnect with the founder’s inspiration, the spiritual foundations of a Christian organisation? How do you ensure the organisation’s contribution to society is visible and palpable?

How we work

We help reconnect with the original power of your values.

To make that strength alive again. Possibly in a new form. We focus on the question of meaning. Together we formulate new answers that make you aware of your place as an organisation in the bigger picture. Rituals ensure this awareness is lived and felt in all layers of your organisation. In co-creation, we arrive at symbols, language, and form that suit your organisation. We also look at the small and everyday rituals on your shop floor.

"It is good to stand still from time to time so that your soul can catch up with you."

Jean Kabuta, African proverb


Guiding organisations

Guiding organisations to embed values and purpose in their DNA

Reconnecting with the values and roots of your organisation

Reconnecting with the values and roots of your organisation

Integrating foundations

Integrating these foundations throughout the organisation through shared, lived rituals

Advice and training

Advice and training on how to anchor purpose and values in your DNA with smaller, daily rituals

“The collaboration with Corporate Rituals was with integrity and professionalism, starting from an authentic enthusiasm that created space, time and language for a healing ritual with attention to diversity and respect for everyone’s uniqueness.”
Wim Vandewiele
Staff member pastoral office & ethics

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