Highlight important key moments & support your change journey
True leaders have an eye for people and relationships.
Creating connection at key moments creates motivated colleagues and loyal customers.
Teams and organisations also have such key moments.
How we work
Corporate Rituals help to mark key moments in your organisation. With powerful rituals, we create more connection within your team, with clients, and with your community. As we support ownership and involvement by all those impacted, we encourage a co-created approach so that the language and form used align with the concrete situation and the people participating.
Besides profound, transformative rituals or ceremonies, we also look at small, everyday ritual acts. We help initiate and implement these so that they become part of the organisational culture, thereby creating more flow toward a desired corporate culture or purpose.
At the Global Developers Conference in 2002, Steve Jobs performed a funeral ceremony to convey a clear message and support the emotional farewell to Mac OS 9. Steve Jobs placed a box containing the Mac OS 9 into a coffin hoisted onto the stage. He placed a rose on it and waved it goodbye. It was clear to the developers in the room that there was no turning back.

Shaping and guiding important turning points in your organisation
Supporting your change journey where your team can connect more deeply with the transformation process.
Advice and training on how to use smaller, daily rituals to anchor the desired change in your corporate culture
Our satisfied customers