Basic offer
We usually design customised rituals. You can also choose from this base offer of low-threshold but powerful rituals. An intake interview ensures that these rituals are tailored to your needs. These rituals can also be part of a fully integrated and co-creative process.
The power of fire
Fire Ritual with Corporate Rituals
For thousands of years, people have gathered around a fire. Fire connects and brings people together; a fire circle is a place par excellence where we share stories and knowledge, just as our ancestors did. Fire also provides a place for stillness and reflection. Fire can bring warmth and light to a group, but it also has a cleansing and even destructive power. What about our own personal fire? What do we want to give to the fire? What ‘campfire conversation’ may we have? What message emerges as we stare silently into the flames and listen to the crackling of the fire?
“The Power of Fire” is very suitable for teams who want to have a conversation with each other on a different level.
- group size: up to 30 people
- duration: 2.5 hours
- whenever possible outdoors, but in case of bad weather, an indoor fire ritual is also possible
- price on request
More info:, +32 478 407 429
The four directions wheel is a visual representation of the natural structure of life: the four seasons, the four cardinal directions, and our life stages… Nothing is more natural than change; the medicine wheel is the blueprint. On the wheel, every possible human experience, every step in a process, finds a place. By literally moving through the different phases of growth, flowering, parting, and stillness, clarity and insight emerge. This simple model helps the team look at things from different perspectives, leading to surprising insights, movement, and openness. Ready for the next step.
“The Medicine Wheel” is very suitable for strategic exercises, working around team dynamics, looking back and forward, and coaching.
- group size: from a few people to 30 participants
- duration: 3 hours to 1 full day
- outdoor and indoor
- price on request
More info:, +32 496 58 00 02
Connecting with the nature of change
Medicine Wheel with Corporate Rituals
Praise each other's qualities
Kasàlà writing with Corporate Rituals
Call your own and each other’s strong names. Celebrate the art of Being Human. Celebrating life in ourselves and others is what we do with the Kasàlà, a word ritual that comes from the heart of Africa. A Kasàlà is a text, usually poetically phrased, that sings of the life and beauty of a person, a natural element, an organisation… It makes us remember who we are. We draw on the tradition as translated by Prof Jean Kabuta, who made this beautiful Ubuntu ritual accessible to us Westerners.
The Kasàlà is ideal for teams who want to strengthen their bonds by seeing and naming each other’s core qualities.
- group size: up to 30 people
- duration: 2.5 hours to 1 full day
- outdoor and indoor
- price on request
More info:, +32 478 407 429