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Essential: rituals in organizations and communities
31 oktober 2024 om 09:00 – 1 november 2024 om 18:00
Rituals in communities and organizations: what, how, and why? A practical introduction to ancient wisdom for contemporary leaders and facilitators. This two-day training programme is for leaders, facilitators, and coaches interested in the potential of rituals for companies, communities, and organisations.
Corporate Rituals is organising its ‘Essential’ basic training in working with rituals for the third time at De Heerlijckyt in Flanders, Belgium. An indispensable classic for anyone interested in the what, how, and why of rituals in the broader community and organisations. Whether it’s companies, organisations, public administrations, or local communities – we will share insights into the reconnecting power of rituals. And we’ll put you on the road to getting started with them yourself!
Rituals are universal and present everywhere – however, in companies and organisations, they often sit without soul, forgotten in a corner. Consider the company’s New Year’s reception, an employee’s retirement celebration, where the focus is often on snacks, drinks, and a speech. Such moments have great potential for life-affirming power. The appropriate ritual makes that power visible again.
Often it also makes sense to create new rituals. To reflect on, to give meaning and bedrock to drastic events and changes. Internally, but also as a result of external events. Like the impact of Covid, which is still deeply felt in lots of organisations and communities. There too, as in any situation of profound change, rituals can contribute substantially to processes of reconnection and healing.
About rituals
Rituals are sequential actions that validate a meaningful moment or event and are often significant and transformative. Rituals take place out of the ordinary, in a sacred time/environment, usually following a repeated pattern.
Their power lies in the intention from which they start and their ability to connect the individual and the collective, the seen and the unseen. The experience of a ritual is often a profound inner process. Sharing it in a group strengthens and anchors that personal process and creates a mutual connection at a deep level. So that the energy of the group can also change, transform and heal.
Rituals reinforce and allow people to experience being part of a greater whole, making a ritual a sacred event. Corporate Rituals deploys rituals and ancient wisdom to make the deeper connections between personal life, community life, and the larger living whole more visible, stronger, and, where necessary restoring it. The focus is on collective contexts where people live and work together.
Content of this two-day training
We want to share our expertise with you during this two-day training program. We take you into the ancient and alive world of rituals. Step by step, we embark on a journey of discovery together, where co-creation and experience have an important place.
On the first day, we will give you a taste of the broad spectrum of all possible forms of rituals from a diversity of perspectives. We will inspire you with wisdom from ancient traditions such as Shamanism and contemporary insights from, for example, anthropology. You will also have ample opportunity to experience what a ritual is and what it does to you. You will discover what role rituals already play in your life. And we will also unravel the code for you: how does a ritual come into being? What aspects are important? What are the magical ingredients? What structure can help you? How do you create your own ritual?
On the second day, you’ll mainly be working on your own ritual, starting from real-life situations, proposed by yourself or your colleagues. We will guide you in building your own anchors and forms. Fed with the insights you have gained, you will create and perform a new ritual together. In the safe context of this training, with your co-participants as a life audience.
For whom
Leaders and magicians, process facilitators, team and organisational coaches, co-creative facilitators, personal coaches, therapists, and anyone who wants to explore the richness of rituals and ancient wisdom and integrate it into their daily (professional) practice.
Ewoud Monbaliu and Anna Zanghi lead this two-day course. Both are core team members of Corporate Rituals and experienced process facilitators. They know each other since 2009, as they started their journey together as a Shamanic Practioner 15 years ago.
Ewoud is an experienced facilitator of group processes and rituals. From his +25 years’ experience as a social entrepreneur, he gives lectures and training workshops and consults to governments and companies in setting up participatory stakeholder processes for sustainable (behavioural) change. He is the co-founder &; manager of various companies & organizations such as Levuur (stakeholder manager), YOUCA (youth engagement), Corporate Rituals, Give a Day (IT start-up), de sappentrapper (mobile smoothie bar), Change Designers (behavioural change).
ewoud@corporaterituals.be – +32 478 407429
Anna is a changemaker, strategist and leadership and team coach with a passion for innovation, transformation and shaping organizational cultures in anticipation of changing external trends. She has a powerful combination of business & organisational development expertise, including group processes and ritual facilitation. Her 30 plus years multinational experience, including tech start ups is an asset across sectors undergoing fast-paced digital disruption and change. She co-founded Futur-o to focus on leadership future fitness and now is a key contributor in Corporate Rituals helping leaders and teams reconnect to meaning, purpose, and inner wisdom – shifting mindsets, supporting sustainable transformation, and deepening engagement.
Anna.zanghi@corporaterituals.be – +32 493 454763
Practical info
From Thursday 31 October 2024, 9 am (reception) to Friday 1 November 2023, 6 pm (closing ritual).
De Heerlijckhyt van Elsmeren (a beautiful castle domain with 23 ha of nature), Weg op Halen 2, 3450 Geetbets. Our place: the yurt.
The number of participants
We like to keep it interactive. That means that ideally, we work with a maximum of 20 participants. So don’t wait too long to sign up!
Day 1: Start at 9.30 (reception from 9.00) – until 21.00 (ending with a ritual), lunch potluck (bring something to share), in the evening soup and bread is provided.
Day 2: Start at 9.00 – until 18.00, vegetarian lunch and dinner provided (ending with group ritual) – coffee, tea, and water throughout.
- Training Early Bird: €549 excl. VAT until 31 August 2024
- Training Regular: €679 excl. VAT if your register later
- Optional, Possibility of overnight stay: +€105 single room+breakfast, +€75 shared room+breakfast
Contact: ewoud@corporaterituals.be, +32 478 40 74 29
Register by sending an email to ewoud@corporaterituals.be. Your place is guaranteed after payment of the total amount (incl. VAT), to account number: De Big Blue bv